Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

BYOD technical specifications

Wireless connectivity: The Department of Education wireless network operates on the 802.11n 5GHz standard. Devices must meet this standard at a minimum to be able to connect. 

Operating system: Windows 10 or Max OSX (most recent version) 

Software and apps: BYODs must have software that enables office functionality, such as MS Office 365 or similar. They also must have a third party antivirus program installed. 

Battery life: Student devices must come to school fully charged each day, and should have a battery capable of 6hrs of normal operation. Please note that due to WHS concerns, charging of student devices is not available at school. 

Memory and RAM: Student devices should have a minimum of a 128GB HDD or SDD. Device should have a minimum of 4GB of RAM, with 8GB preferred. 

Hardware features: Devices must have a mechanical keyboard, and a built in camera and microphone. The display size should be no smaller than 11 inches. 

Ergonomics: Devices should weight no more than 2kg. 

Accessories: We recommend a carry case for protection of the device while at school. Please also be aware of the terms of warranties and/or insurances for the device, as the school does not accept responsibility for loss of breakage. We also recommend external storage such as an external hard drive or USB flash drive to transport files and create backups.