Rules and policies are in place to make sure your child remains safe and well at school.
Visit the NSW Department of Education’s policy library for all current operational policies.
Attendance and absences
Students must attend school regularly so they can achieve their educational best and increase their career and life options.
In NSW, all children from the age of 6 are legally required to attend school or be registered for home schooling through the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). All students must complete Year 10, or its equivalent.
For more information about compulsory school attendance, visit:
For more information on the attendance procedures, see the attendance procedures page.
School frameworks (school policies)
The following frameworks apply to students at our school.
Anti Bullying Policy
Any form of bullying is taken seriously at Glenwood High School. Our students have the right to a safe and happy school environment, free from the fear of bullying, harassment and intimidation.
At Glenwood High School teachers, students, parents, caregivers and members of the wider school community work together to address bullying. Any inappropriate behaviour that disrupts teaching and learning and interferes with the wellbeing of students will not be accepted.
For more information see the anti bullying policy (PDF 147KB)
Uniform policy
The uniform policy has been developed and endorsed by the Glenwood High School community through the School Uniform Committee and the School Steering Committee. The full policy can be found here and also on the uniform page.
Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy
Glenwood High School provides students and staff with access to a range of technologies, including computers, WIFI and internet access, and printers. These devices are used to enhance learning experiences at our school. We also have a comprehensive BYOD program that ensures all students are able to engage in technology rich lessons. This policy covers student use of all digital devices and online services at our school.
For more information, please see our Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy and Procedure (PDF 350KB)
Items left at home
If your child / ward forgets to bring items to school (i.e. lunch, items of clothing, assignments etc.), parents / caregivers may bring this item to the parent reception. It is your child / ward's responsibility to enquire at the student counter during recess or lunch time to collect items left at home.
Banned items
For the safety of others, their property and school property, under no circumstances are students to bring the following items to school:
- chewing gum
- alcohol and alcoholic beverages
- permanent markers
- ring pull cans (e.g., salmon/tuna tins, etc)
- liquid paper
- aerosol deodorants
- aerosol cans of any description
- skateboards
- scooters
- laser lights
- metal items (e.g., rulers, combs, butterfly accessories, etc)
- cigarettes
- e-cigarettes
- vape cigarettes
- lighters
- matches
- imitation guns or weapons
- illegal items (e.g., weapons, drugs, drug paraphernalia, etc)
- inappropriate or offensive material
- energy drinks or highly caffeinated beverages
- medication of any kind (unless registered with the front office)
- deep heat or similar products
- superglue
- elastic band jewelry (e.g., bandalooms)
- water bombs, water pistols or similar items
Leaving school
Advise the school in writing that you will be withdrawing your child / children from Glenwood High School containing the following information:
- A forwarding address if applicable
- The new School they will be attending If your child is leaving because he/she has
- Employment, we request a letter from their Employer outlining their hours working and start date.
If the student is not attending a Government school, they are required to return their laptop (if applicable) and have the Technical Support Officer (TSO) sign off the return.
All Library and text books must be returned to the relevant subject teacher. Sign out sheet must be signed off by every subject and Head Teacher.
Year 11 or 12 students are to advise the office if you have paid the text book deposit, for a refund to be issued.
Bus / train passes are required to be handed in. Your new school will re-issue you new passes.
Completed sign out form is to be handed into the office along with fee payment before the last day of attendance.