As a result of studying Mathematics at Glenwood High School, students will:
· Improve their confidence and attitude towards Mathematics.
· Develop a deep appreciation for the beauty and power of Mathematics, understanding how its very nature brings sense and order to everyday life, society, and our environment.
· Become mathematically literate, acquiring the knowledge and understanding to make informed decisions and the ability to communicate effectively about mathematical ideas and concepts.
· Emerge as critical thinkers and curious, lifelong learners with a responsible global perspective and an appreciation of the mathematical nature of our world.
At Glenwood High School, the Mathematics faculty is committed to improving students' numeracy outcomes, their confidence and attitude towards Mathematics, and challenging all students to develop the mathematical skills needed for the 21st century. We offer all NSW Board-developed courses in Mathematics to cater to the diverse needs of our students. In addition to quality lessons, we have the following programs running at Glenwood:
For a small fee, we use the CambridgeGo platform to provide the latest version of an online Mathematics textbook and HOTmaths interactive learning resources for all Year 7-10 students.
HOTmaths is an online mathematics resource that can be used in school and at home. Learning tools include written tutorials, problem walkthroughs, interactive animations, and four levels of questions, along with the popular Scorcher competition. Students have access to all the learning material on the site, allowing them to work at their own pace and level. To see a sample, visit:
Benefits of HOTmaths for Students:
· Work independently using lesson notes with graphics, worked examples, and definitions.
· Master mathematical processes with step-by-step walkthroughs and targeted feedback.
· Test themselves with instantly marked assessment questions at four levels of difficulty.
· Compete on any topic in the skills-based Scorcher competition.
· Prepare for testing and learn for understanding as well as knowledge.
Benefits of HOTmaths for Parents:
· Allows children to work independently at home, improving their mathematics skills without requiring constant parental help or supervision.
· Provides children access to all HOTmaths content at all year levels, enabling them to learn at their own pace and level.
· The numerous HOTmaths tools (such as widgets, walkthroughs, Scorcher, and games) cater to all learning styles and create an engaging environment, allowing children to study longer and learn more.
At Glenwood, Mathematics teachers volunteer their time to offer Mathematics Help Sessions twice a week during recess and lunch. These sessions are open to all students from Year 7 to Year 12, regardless of their ability level or Mathematics course they are studying. Attendance is completely voluntary, and students can attend all or part of these sessions. Students can bring and eat their lunch while receiving one-on-one help during these sessions. Additionally, the school regularly runs a Homework Centre and Learning Support network, consisting of a team of teachers and students who volunteer their time to provide an extra avenue of learning assistance for students seeking clarification.
In today's increasingly technologically dependent world, mathematical knowledge is highly desirable, if not essential. The Mathematics Department at Glenwood High School strives to inspire each student not only to achieve their personal best but also to gain the confidence that they have acquired the core skills required for lifelong learning. Furthermore, working through mathematical problems in class and in assigned homework allows several related skills to flourish, including discipline, patience, attention to detail, information processing, analytical reasoning, and strategy formulation, all while achieving the best ATAR possible.