Assembly takes place at 8.40am for all students (year 7-12) in the quad every Tuesday A week in the morning. All students are to be seated by 8.40am to hear the weekly announcements. Students are to line up in their house.
Year assemblies happen during Connect in B weeks. Tuesday - Yr 7 & 8, Thursday – 9 & 10, Friday Yr 11 & 12. All students are to be seated by 8.40am to hear from their Deputy and Year Adviser any announcements.
Connect is a time where rolls are marked and students spend more time learning about positive behaviour for learning (PBL). Connect takes place on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. There are 2 bells that ring at the beginning of the day. A movement bell rings at 8:38 and a final bell at 8:43. Students are expected to be in connect before the second bell or else they will need to sign in to school as late.