Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services
Our school acknowledges the educational value of digital devices and online services in supporting and enhancing educational outcomes and student wellbeing. We also recognise they may cause harm if used inappropriately and that we need to support our students to use them in safe, responsible and respectful ways. The complete policy and procedure document can be found on the school website at About our school/Rules and Policies/Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services or https://glenwood-h.schools.nsw.gov.au/about-our-school/rules-and policies.html.
Please read the Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Policy and Procedure Document, together with your child. It provides a consistent framework for the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services by students in our school. It sets out the shared responsibilities of school staff, students and parents and carers. It also provides a framework to manage potential risks to student safety and wellbeing.
This document covers student use of digital devices and online services in school-related settings, including on school grounds, at school-related activities and outside of school where there is a clear and close connection between the school and the conduct of students. It also covers the use of school-provided devices, BYO devices and all online services. Importantly, please refer to Appendix 3 which details the specifications for BYOD.
Responsibilities and obligations for students
• Be safe, responsible and respectful users of digital devices and online services, and support their peers to be
the same.
• Respect and follow school rules and procedures and the decisions made by staff, knowing that other schools may have different arrangements.
• Communicate respectfully and collaboratively with peers, school staff and the school community and behave in the ways described in the Behaviour Code for Students.
• Use digital devices for appropriate, educational purposes at the direction of staff members.
• Report any incidents involving inappropriate use to a staff member.
• Protect their personal information and digital identity, including their account details.
• Connect to the school's Wireless Access Points exclusively while at school.
For parents and carers
• Recognise the role they play in educating their children and modelling the behaviours that underpin the safe, responsible and respectful use of digital devices and online services.
• Support implementation of the school procedure, including its approach to resolving issues.
• Take responsibility for their child's use of digital devices and online services at home such as use of online services with age and content restrictions.
• Communicate with school staff and the school community respectfully and collaboratively.
• Switch off or put their digital devices on silent when at official school functions, during meetings and when in the classroom.
• Provide digital devices that meet school specifications and complete any related paperwork.
After considerable research, which included inter school visits, surveying the staff, parents and students of Glenwood High School and an Information Evening, the school has finalised the development of its Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services policy, for release to the school community.
You can access the policy and procedure from our Rules and Policies page.