Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Year 11

Student Opportunities

Click here to learn more about the opportunities offered to our students, whether it be academic excellence, tertiary study, extracurricular adventures, or community engagement.
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The mission statement of the mentoring program is to build confidence in the development of personal and career goals in the Year 11 students at Glenwood High School.

The main aims are to:

  • Make the classroom more meaningful to students by connecting learning to real life applications by creating opportunities for learning beyond the classroom.
  • Provide mentoring opportunities for your people that have a positive impact upon the confidence, self-esteem, career direction and motivation of participants.
  • Expand the awareness of linkages between education and career opportunities in order to improve participants' employability, career  development and life skills.

The mentoring program aims to build partnerships between local businesses, community groups and individual community members and Glenwood High School by bringing people with experience in life, education and business together with our chosen young participants.

The mentors are sourced from the community and are individuals engaged in a variety of businesses, employment or voluntary activities which are matched to the expressed areas of interests of the mentees.

Information for Interested Mentors 2022




In Year 11, students are asked to regularly discuss their progress with their stage 6 subjects and their intentions for after school (university, TAFE, or work) with Ms Jones.

Students are provided with up to date information of courses that are available as well as scholarships, apprenticeships, traineeships and job opportunities. All students are encouraged to like the Glenwood High School Careers Facebook page for the latest careers information.

Please speak to Ms Jones (in Careers office in the Library) for more information, visit the Careers page

Life Ready

Life Ready focuses on encouraging students to think critically, solve problems and make informed decisions related to independence, health, safety and wellbeing.  Promote student learning by:

  • creating supportive learning environments
  • modelling best practice approaches.

however, if students are unable to attend, then they must complete the school based program.



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