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Glenwood High School

Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

School planning and reporting

Planning and reporting helps Glenwood High School meet the needs of our community, improve the quality of teaching and enhance outcomes for all of our students.

School vision

Glenwood High School will provide exceptional educational opportunities for all students in a challenging and inclusive learning environment. Programs will recognise and engage students through an innovative and academic curriculum which supports and encourages personal achievement. An inspiring 21st Century educational setting delivered by quality teachers will motivate students through diverse, relevant and intellectual stimuli.

Our Mission Statement

Glenwood High School’s mission is to empower students to become successful, creative learners, who will confidently assume the role of active global citizens. Students at Glenwood High School are literate, numerate, successful learners who are innovative, highly motivated and productive users of technology. Students learn to be critical thinkers who are able to contextualise their learning beyond the classroom. Students show respect for themselves and their peers, creating an inclusive and empathetic learning environment.

Our Core Values

The Glenwood High School core values are built on the principle of Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL). Our values influence the way our school community works together, communicates and makes decisions. These values are taught explicitly in the classroom and through the activities and relationships between the school and the community. They guide student welfare and discipline and are embedded in everything we do both within and beyond the classroom.

  • Respect Yourself and Others
  • Respect Property
  • Ready for Learning
  • Responsible for Your Actions

School plan

We have developed a 3 year plan in consultation with our community, connected to a budget and student outcomes.

The School Excellence Framework underpins our school planning and reporting approach. The framework provides a clear description of the key elements of high-quality practice across learning, teaching and leading.

The school plan is highly strategic, focusing on 3 key areas for improvement we have determined in consultation with our community. It demonstrates our alignment and commitment to excellence as part of public education in NSW to ensure a profound difference to the ongoing growth and development of our school.

School annual report

The annual report provides an account of our operations and achievements throughout the year. It is the result of rigorous self-assessment by staff, parents and carers, as well as student leaders.

Download our annual reports for a detailed account of:

  • the progress we have made to provide high-quality educational opportunities for every child as set out in the school plan
  • the impact of our strategies for improved learning
  • the benefit to all students from resources including equity funding
  • our operations and achievements throughout the year.

Download our current annual report:

Download previous school plans and reports: