Glenwood High School has a highly dedicated and proficient team of EAL/D teachers. Students, for whom English is not their first language, have access to a wide range of EAL/D teaching and learning strategies and programs. At Glenwood, we encourage our EAL/D students to maintain their first language background.
A unique EAL/D program for each student that is tailored to their specific English language needs is created. These programs are implemented in a variety of subject areas and can occur in any of the following modes:
· individual student withdrawal
· team teaching
· whole class teaching by the EAL/D teacher
· individual student learning in the subject classroom
· assistance with EAL/D resource development for classroom teachers
It is our desire that all of our students develop a strong understanding and knowledge of the English language. Glenwood High School looks forward to helping your child achieve this goal.