In NSW high schools, languages is a key learning area.
The study of a language is compulsory for 100 hours in one continuous school year from Year 7 to Year 10, but preferably in Years 7 or 8.
Future focussed learners require problem-solving skills, intercultural understanding and well-developed communication skills, in order to become informed global citizens. Languages education plays an important role in the development of these skills whilst also providing enjoyment and cultural awareness.
There is considerable evidence to suggest that learning another language can enhance literacy in a student’s first language and build useful cognitive and social skills that are beneficial in all areas of school and later life. Through learning languages students can understand and value their own culture and the cultures of other people, so that they can view the world from a wider perspective.
In response to a rapidly changing global marketplace, all economically developed countries now recognise the importance of a highly skilled multi-lingual workforce. Second language proficiency opens career opportunities that would not otherwise exist. There are also many personal benefits attached to second language learning, such as more enjoyable overseas travel, participation in exchange programs and accessible world-wide communication opportunities via the internet.
LOTE study at Glenwood High School introduces students to the exciting study of both an Asian and a European language:
French - an important international language with links to English.
French is a major international language. As well as being the official language of the Olympic Movement, it is also the official language of several United Nations Organisations.
It is the official, second or priority language in 49 countries across the world.
French allows learners to experience and appreciate the richness and diversity of the art, cuisine, literature, film and music of French-speaking communities.
It provides students with opportunities for continued learning and for future employment in areas such as commerce, tourism, hospitality and international relations.
Indonesian - the language of our near northern neighbours and a National Priority Asian language.
Indonesia is Australia’s nearest Asian neighbour and therefore of strategic importance to Australia in terms of trade, travel and diplomacy.
With over 300 culturally diverse ethnic groups, Indonesia provides a fascinating springboard for intercultural studies.
Learning Indonesian provides students with opportunities for future employment in areas such as commerce, tourism, hospitality and international relations.
It is a priority Asian language and Australia needs future citizens who can communicate with their neighbours.
Stage 4
Year 7
Students complete a taster course in which they study each language for one semester.
Year 8
Students choose EITHER of the languages to study for the entire year. This 100 hour course meets the NSW Stage 4 mandatory language study requirements.
In Stage 4, lessons focus on building communication skills in everyday topics in the students’ own world. Lessons have multiple activities which assist in developing listening, reading, speaking and writing skills while utilising Web-based technologies to more readily acquire vocabulary.
Stage 5
LOTE study becomes optional and at Glenwood High School we attract students to the study of both languages as an elective. Students continue to build on the communicative skills acquired in Year 7 and 8 in either Indonesian or French. Language skills will be enhanced, while at the same time intercultural understandings further develop. Creative use of language will be encouraged through experiences such as role-play, language competitions, paired activities, communicative games, films, cuisine lessons and interactive computer activities.
Stage 6
In Stage 6, both HSC Beginners and Continuers courses are offered.
HSC Beginners Courses are for students who have not studied the language in Stage 5. In the Preliminary Course, students will begin to develop their knowledge and skills to communicate actively in Indonesian and/or French in both personal and interpersonal situations. They will develop their understanding of language and culture, and its interdependence.
The HSC Continuers course provides students with opportunities for continued learning, that could lead to future employment and experience in areas such as public relations, commerce, hospitality, education, marketing, international relations, media and tourism.
Prescribed Topics: Family and Friends, Home and Neighbourhood, People, Places and Communities, Education and Work, Recreation and Pastimes, Holidays, Travel and Tourism, Future Plans and Aspirations, The Changing World and Youth Culture.
All assessment tasks are class based and there are no essays, research assignments or portfolios to complete. The use of a dictionary is a requirement for all HSC courses and approved dictionaries are permitted in examinations.
Remember - Languages open the door to a bigger world!