At Glenwood High School, students are provided with opportunities to learn about and practise ways of adopting and maintaining a healthy, productive and active life. PDHPE promotes the value of physical activity in their lives.
Sport is an integral and compulsory part of life at Glenwood High School. Participation in team sports, healthy competition and skill development are essential elements in the development of young people. Our school encourages participation in sporting activities to balance the strong academic curriculum. A sense of sportsmanship and fair play is fostered within the school community. We provide the opportunity for students to participate in Grade and Knockout Sport from Years 7-12, as well as providing a comprehensive in-school sports program.
PDHPE Stage 4 and 5.
The PDHPE course in Stage 4 and 5 encompasses the following areas of study:
Health, Wellbeing and Relationships
Students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills important for building respectful relationships, enhancing personal strengths and exploring personal identity to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and others. Students develop strategies to manage change, challenges, power, abuse, violence and how to protect themselves and others in a range of situations.
Movement Skill and Performance
A focus on active participation in a broad range of movement contexts to develop movement skill and enhance performance. Students develop confidence and competence to engage in physical activity. They develop an understanding of movement concepts and the features of movement composition as they engage in a variety of planned and improvised movement experiences. Students create and compose movement to achieve specific purposes and performance goals. Through movement experiences, students also develop self-management and interpersonal skills to support them to strive for enhanced performance and participation in a lifetime of physical activity.
Healthy, Safe and Active Lifestyles
A focus on the interrelationship between health and physical activity concepts. Students develop the knowledge, understanding and skills to empower them to make healthy and safe choices and take action to promote the health, safety and wellbeing of their communities. They engage with a range of health issues and identify strategies to keep them healthy, safe and active.
Physical Activity and Sports Studies
This is an elective course studied in Years 9 and 10. It incorporates a wide range of lifelong physical activities, including recreational, leisure and adventure pursuits, competitive and non-competitive games, individual and group physical fitness activities, and the use of physical activity for therapy and remediation. Recreation, physical activity, sport and related health fields provide legitimate career pathways. This course provides students with a broad understanding of the multifaceted nature of these fields.
PDHPE and SLR Stage 6
In Years 11 and 12, students focus on developing and maintaining an active, healthy lifestyle and improving their health status. They are concerned with the social and scientific aspects of physical activity. It focuses on the health of individuals and communities and the factors that influence movement skill and physical activity levels. Scientific aspects to be studied include anatomy, physiology, biomechanics and skill acquisition. Students also think critically about aspects of history, economics, gender and media as they impact on patterns of participation in physical activity and the ways that movement is valued. These areas of study prepare students to be informed participants in movement culture and to be skilled, intelligent performers and analysts of movement. The SLR course features a highly practical focus with physical activity being both an area of study and a medium for learning. It looks at those aspects of the learning area that relate most closely to participation in sport and physical activity. Students develop knowledge and understanding of the value of activity to an individual’s wellbeing.