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Glenwood High School

Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Attendance procedures


The Glenwood day starts with the ringing of two bells, a movement bell at 8:37am and a final bell at 8:40am. Students are expected to be at school before the bell rings at 8.40am. In the event a student arrives after this time, they are to report to student late desk and swipe in using their student ID card. A note from parents/caregivers should be provided to state the reason for the late arrival. Parents/caregivers may also provide a reason for the late arrival by responding to the SMS sent to inform them that their child/ward was late to school.

Justified and Unjustified partial absence (Late) follows the table as outlined below. If there is no justified reason for the late arrival, parents/caregiver do not need to respond, and the late arrival will be recorded as an unjustified late.


Parents/caregivers are requested to write/email a note explaining the student’s absence. Notes should have the student’s full name and year group printed clearly for records and files. This note can be handed directly to the office staff in student reception on the student’s return to school. Alternatively, parents/caregivers may respond to the SMS message sent to notify them of the student’s absence. Notes to justify an absence must be provided within 7 days. A student absence or leave can be broken down into two categories:

Justified Leave

Unjustified Leave

This includes:

-          Illness

-          Specialist Appointments

-          Recognised Religious Ceremonies including Weddings.

-          Late Bus (School Bus only)

-          Approved holidays (by filling in leave application)

This includes:

-          Traffic

-          Student slept in

-          Taking the day to study

-          Unapproved holiday

-          Rest day / tired

-          Non-medical Appointment

-          Any event that could reasonably have occurred outside of school hours.


Parents/caregivers are requested to write a note explaining why the student needs to leave school early, the time they need to leave and how they will get home. Notes should have the student’s full name and year group printed clearly for records and files. Students must hand in this note to student reception BEFORE school where they will be issued with a Sign Out Pass.

Students are to show their classroom teacher this note at the beginning of the lesson if they need to leave during class time. Students are then to report to student reception and inform office staff that they are leaving. Students are not permitted to leave early on sports days. If there are exceptional circumstances on sports days, students must bring in a note from home and have it approved by the Deputy Principal BEFORE school.

If parents/caregivers unexpectedly need to collect their child/ward, they are requested to call the school beforehand so arrangements can be made for the student to be waiting at reception. Parents/caregivers must report to the parent reception to collect their child/ward.


Parents/caregivers need to apply for extended leave (5 days or more) for students by completing an ‘Application for Exemption from Attendance at School’ form which is available to download below:

Application for Extended Leave Form

Alternatively, a copy of this form can be collected from reception. This form is to be returned to reception for approval from the Principal. This will enable the school to hold the students position at the school.

Students are responsible for making arrangements with their teacher to collect work for the time they are away. When students return to school, it is their responsibility to catch up on all the work they have missed. Extended leave is discouraged in the Preliminary or HSC years, as students will be at risk of not meeting course requirements.


Students who are not feeling well in the school day may ask their classroom teacher for a note to report to student reception where they must speak to an office staff member who will ask the student to sign into sick bay with their student ID card. If a student wishes to go home, the office staff will call the parent/caregiver. 


If your child/ward forgets to bring items to school (i.e. lunch, items of clothing, assignments etc.), parents/caregivers may bring these item to the parent reception. These items are to be clearly labelled with the name and year of the child/ward. It is your child/ward's responsibility to enquire at the student counter during recess or lunch time to collect items left at home. Hot or cold food from a takeaway vendor is not permitted to be dropped off to school for your child/ward to have at recess or lunchtime.


Glenwood High School is a uniform school and students are expected to wear the school uniform at all times.

In the event of an unavoidable situation where uniform cannot be worn, students must bring a signed note from their parent/carer, with their name and year group, explaining the issue with their uniform. This is to be given to the student’s Connect teacher (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) or Period 1 teacher on a Wednesday. The teachers will then provide you with a blue uniform pass. If it is anticipated that students will be out of uniform for more than one day, the note must be given to your Deputy Principal BEFORE school on the first day of wearing an out of uniform item.

Students with a note will be provided with a uniform pass.  Students who do not follow this procedure will be issued a Recess Reflection. While a student will not be suspended solely for not wearing school uniform, ongoing non-compliance may be regarded as an infringement of the school’s student discipline policy.


All students are required to carry an ID card to school each day. Within the first week of starting school your photograph will be taken. You are required to pay through school bytes $7 for a new card to be made up. This card must be produced when required for scanning around the school.