Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577



BYOD is a compulsory program for all students to participate in. All students must bring a compatible device that meets the requirements of our Technical Specification. All devices must be commissioned by a member of staff and display a GHS Commissioned sticker.

Commissioning Process

All students are to download the necessary software as instructed PRIOR to commissioning their device. All of the software (Microsoft, Adobe and the Anti Virus Software) are free as provided by the Department of Education. If you are experiencing problems with downloading the software, please see the TSO ASAP. If you do not seek assistance immediately, it is more difficult to correct your problem.

ONLY approved devices will be commissioned. Mobile Phones are NOT an accepted device and are NOT to be used in the classroom.


The TSO is located in the Library (near the Learning Centre). If you can not find the TSO and your matter is urgent please see Mr Lewis or Mr Nichols (Staffroom East). All Student Agreement Forms, Equity Forms, Technical Specifications can be found outside the TSO office. 

I can not connect to the Internet

Glenwood High School is an ET4L school. This means you must add @detnsw after your name every name you log in. Additionally, you must log on to at the beginning of each day. If the Internet is still not working, please RESET your machine (turn it off and turn it back on). This allows your computer to update. If there is still a problem, please see the TSO. If you are new to the school, you can go to the TSO to obtain a how to guide.

School Email

Your email is

Turn It In

If you are experiencing difficulties turning in your assessment tasks, please go to our website for help. Please remember that your teacher is not responsible if you do not submit an assessment task on time.     

Do I need a Dongle to connect to wifi?

If you are experiencing difficulties connecting to the school wifi, you will need to check the configuration of your machine. If it does NOT meet our Wifi Specification, you will need to purchase a dongle so that you have access to the Internet. These can be purchased from JBHifi, Officeworks, Harvey Norman or online.

I am new to Glenwood High. How do I get started technologically?

First you need to get access to the Internet. You can get your username and password from the TSO, Mr Lewis, Mr Nichols or your Year Advisor. They will also inform you of your email address.

I forgot my username and password

Your password can be reset by the TSO, Mr Lewis, Mr Nichols or your Year Advisor. Please see them during recess or lunchtime.

How do I access the Sentral Student Portal

You can access your Sentral Student Portal here. Use your departmental email address and password to log in.