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Glenwood High School

Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Religion and Ethics

Special Religious Education (SRE) 

NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.

At Glenwood High School, students are able to participate in voluntary student activities of a religious nature (VSA) which includes prayer groups, student-led discussions of a religious nature and lunchtime clubs. All students who participate in VSA must have parental permission. The school monitors the content of VSA activities. VSA do not attempt to proselytise or convert non-adherents of any religion or faith.

There are currently no classes for Special Religious Education (SRE) or Special Education in Ethics (SEE) at Glenwood High School.

If your preferred Special Religious Education or Special Education in Ethics option is not available please contact the approved provider. Students not attending Special Religious Education or Special Education in Ethics are  supervised.

For more information about Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics, including the list of approved providers, please visit:

Voluntary Religious Activities (VSA)

In accordance with the Department of Education’s policy, visiting group leaders undergo all appropriate child protection checks and practices and the content of the activities is regularly monitored.

Following are details of the voluntary groups of a religious nature, which operate at Glenwood High School:

Participation in VSA

The NSW Department of Education’s Religious Education Implementation Procedures requires parental permission for students who participate in voluntary student activities of a religious nature in schools.

Before participating in any of the activities listed below, a student must present the permission slip, signed by a parent or carer, to the VSA coordinator. Group leaders will maintain a list of all students from whom a permission note has been received. Permission will remain effective unless a letter of withdrawal is received from the student’s parent or carer.

VSA groups

JAM (Christian Fellowship)

Time: Once a week at Lunch as organised by School Chaplain and students notified via Sentral

Participating Year groups: Years 7-12

Download SRE Participation and Prayer Group Permission note

Islamic Prayer

Time: Once a week at Lunch as organised by supervising teacher and students notified via Sentral

Participating Year groups: Years 7-12

Download SRE Participation and Prayer Group Permission note

For further information, see the NSW Department of Education’s Religion and ethics pages.

NSW public schools offer special religious education and special education in ethics, delivered by approved providers wherever available.

At Glenwood High School, students are able to participate in voluntary student activities of a religious nature (VSA) which includes prayer groups, student-led discussions of a religious nature and lunchtime clubs. All students who participate in VSA must have parental permission. The school monitors the content of VSA activities. VSA do not attempt to proselytise or convert non-adherents of any religion or faith.

There are currently no classes for Special Religious Education (SRE) or Special Education in Ethics (SEE) at Glenwood High School.

If your preferred Special Religious Education or Special Education in Ethics option is not available please contact the approved provider. Students not attending Special Religious Education or Special Education in Ethics are  supervised.

For more information about Special Religious Education and Special Education in Ethics, including the list of approved providers, please visit: