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Glenwood High School

Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Learning at our school

Find out more about what your child will learn at our school.

The NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) is responsible for the curriculum, Kindergarten to Year 12, for all NSW schools.

For the high school years, NESA develops syllabuses for all subjects in eight key learning areas:

  • creative arts
  • English
  • human society and its environment (HSIE)
  • languages
  • mathematics
  • personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE)
  • science
  • technology and applied studies (TAS).

Like all NSW schools, we have developed teaching and learning programs to suit our local context and the needs of our students.

To learn more about curriculum in NSW, visit:

Courses of study

We prepare students for their future as they learn to confidently use informaiton communication technologies to critically assess information, which challenges their knowledge and understanding of the world.

Stage 4

During the first stage of high school, year 7 and 8 students study a variety of subjects:

  • English
  • mathematics
  • science
  • history
  • geography
  • personal development, health and physical education
  • language other than English
  • technology
  • visual arts
  • music

Stage 5

In years 9 and 10, our students study a core range of subjects comprising English, mathermatics, science, australian history, australia geography and personal development, health and physical education. In addition, students havet he opportunity to select three elective subjecs from the vast range that is offered:

  • child studies
  • commerce
  • communicaiton and media studies
  • dance
  • drama
  • elective geography
  • eletive history
  • electronics
  • engineering
  • French
  • graphics technology
  • Indonesian
  • information, software and tehnology
  • iSTEM
  • metal technology
  • music
  • photography
  • physical activity and sports studies
  • visual arts
  • visual design
  • timber technology

Stage 6

  • Ancient History
  • Biology
  • Business Studies
  • Chemistry
  • Community and Family Studies
  • Dance
  • Drama
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Economics
  • Engineering Studies
  • English Standard
  • English Advanced
  • English ESL
  • English Extension
  • English Studies
  • Food Technology
  • French Beginners
  • French Continuers  
  • Geography
  • Indonesian Beginners
  • Indonesian Continuers
  • Industrial Technology
  • Information Processes And Technology
  • Legal Studies
  • Mathematics General
  • Mathematics
  • Mathematics Extension  
  • Modern History
  • Music  
  • PD/H/PE
  • Photography, Video & Digital Imaging
  • Physics
  • Senior Science
  • Society And Culture
  • Software Design & Development
  • Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation
  • Textiles and Design
  • Visual Arts
  • Visual Design

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