We are pleased to inform you that school photos for the 2025 academic year will be taken very early in Term 1. The schedule is as follows:
• Year 7: Friday, 7th February
• Years 8, 9, 10, 11 & 12: Tuesday, 11th February
The School Photographer prices and packages are detailed below and are also attached for your convenience. You can now start purchasing your school photo packages online.
Please visit The School Photographer, website and use our school code: X2131HSB56G.
If you choose to pay online, there is no need to return any forms to the school. For those parents preferring to pay by cash, photo envelopes will be sent home within the first few days of Term 1. These envelopes should be handed directly to the school photographer on the day of the photos. Please do not submit these envelopes to the school office, as the school is not responsible for them.