Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Assessment and reporting

Assessment Policy Booklet

The assessment policy and guidelines for all assessment tasks are outlined in each assessment booklet. Please click on the year group below to access your assessment booklet:


Assessment Schedules
Each years Assessment Schedules can be located with their year information in the "school years" tab in this website (click on link to page). These schedules is updated each year.
Each course Assessment Schedule indicates the syllabus outcomes, course components and weightings, the task type and due date (Term and Week) Often a number of outcomes can be addressed by a single task
  • Not all outcomes are assessed with each task 
  • Any variations to syllabus outcomes or tasks set for each course will be provided by the class teacher in writing giving two weeks’ notice of a change 

Statutory Declaration (PDF 8KB) can be downloaded here.

Twice a year, teachers formally assess each student’s achievements based on the outcomes described in the syllabuses of each subject.

As a parent or carer, you’ll receive a written report twice a year. It gives you a clear picture of your child’s achievements – what they know and can do.

In Years 7 to 10, we use the common grade scale in reporting. In Year 11, we use the Preliminary grade scale.


We provide detailed information to students about what we expect from them throughout the year and how their work will be assessed. Students have a number of formal assessments throughout their schooling.