Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

School Photographs - Years 10, 11, 12, Siblings, Prefects and House Captains


Tuesday 15th February – Yr 10, 11, 12, Siblings & Prefects & House Captains

Thursday 17th February - Yr 7, 8 & 9 Siblings & Duke of Ed

(note the SRC photo will be taken after the Year 7 election)

9 Digit Online Order Code

326 4VA H4F

School photographs are scheduled to be taken by Advancedlife Photography on the above dates in 2022. This is Week 3, Term 1. Use the website and code below to look at the packages and pricing for 2022.

Please note that all students are to be in FULL SUMMER SCHOOL UNIFORM.

Sibling envelopes are available from the front office for your collection (if paying by cash).

It is our preference that ordering be completed online, if possible. This is to reduce administration and potential security issues related to the return of cash and envelopes on photography day.

You have two options of payment:

1. Orders for student packages and sibling photographs can be placed securely online at using our school’s unique 9 digit Online Order Code - 326 4VA H4F. All orders must be placed no later than Monday 14th February 2022. Sibling photographs will be taken on Tuesday 15th February 2021 during recess or before school, and only be taken if an order has been placed.

Do not return the order envelope or receipt if you have ordered online. Advanced Life now accept online payments using Paypal, Visa and Mastercard. A $1 handling fee is applicable with online ordering. For more information, go to

2. If you are paying cash for either student packages or sibling photographs, please complete all the details on the order form on the front of the envelope. Students then need to bring the envelope to school on photo day. They need to hand it directly to the photographers when they have their photo taken (not prior to the front office).

No late orders or cash will be accepted at the school office. Check your order carefully, as funds are not available for incorrect choice.

Should you have any queries concerning school photographs or online ordering, please direct them via email to

All students who have their photograph taken will also have a Student ID card made up for them and distributed to students around the end of Term 1. The student ID card needs to be carried to and from school each day, and is for school use in the front office and the Library. If a student loses their ID card, they are expected to purchase a new one through the front office for $7.00. Any questions regarding the ID cards can be referred to the Library.

9 Digit Online Order Code

326 4VA H4F