Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

High Potential and Gifted Enrichment Test 2022


Please note : This is available to students enrolled with Glenwood High School for Year 7 2022 & live in the catchment area. No out of area applications will be accepted.

Students who elect to apply for the enrichment class will engage in a one-day selection process. This will include a literacy and a numeracy test. Students will also engage in group-based problem-solving activities and a presentation.

During the activities, students will be observed on their ability to lead, work collaboratively, manage and engage in creative problem-solving tasks. This, along with information provided by the primary school, will determine enrichment class placement.


This program at Glenwood High School strives to provide a supportive learning environment that challenges students to excel in their abilities and talents.


Extra-curricular activities Our aim Identification of enrichment students

• Debating and public speaking workshops and tournaments

• Leadership and public speaking through SRC and Student Advocate teams

• Glenwood High School musicals, choir, and band

• Academic competitions including Mathematics, Science, Computing Studies, Business Studies, Economics and History Mastermind

• Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) share market game

• Enrichment clubs including Dance, Art, Drama, Fitness and sport training, tabletop gaming and Minecraft, Chess and Duke of Ed

• Wellbeing opportunities with Body and Soul, Chill and Chat, JAM and Sisterhood


Our Aim

At Glenwood High School, we aim to:

• Develop, design, and teach differentiated learning programs and provide experiences that meet the advanced learning needs of high potential and gifted students.

• Provide quality learning opportunities for students’ talent and ability development which may include extension, extra-curricular and further enrichment programs.

• Engage with quality research and ongoing professional learning to build teacher capacity and skills


Identification of enrichment students

As per the Department of Education’s High Potential and Gifted Education Policy, Glenwood High School will utilise multiple measures to build an informed picture through a broad identification process, such as diagnostic, screening, and adaptive assessment that are designed to measure innate ability and potential.

Glenwood High School will analyse reliable and valid sources of information and evidence, including observation and informed teacher professional judgement, creating a detailed and more thorough picture of a students’ learning ability, potential and talent.


TEST DATE: Monday, 13th September 2021 at 9am, Glenwood High School.

COST: A non-refundable fee of $50 is required to cover the cost of administering and marking the assessments and tests.

REGISTRATION: Registration is done online via: Registration closes on Friday, 3rd September 2021. 

Please note : This is available to students enrolled with Glenwood High School for Year 7 2022 & live in the catchment area. No out of area applications will be accepted.