Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Year 10 Western Sydney Career Explorers Expo

11 Yr 10 Students

The excursion will give students’ an understanding of local industry in demand of a young, skilled workforce. It will also increase awareness of career pathways and mentor young people to become ‘job ready’. Finally, it will promote opportunities of training and employment. This is in line with the outcomes of the IMPACT program.

This hands-on workshop event is for students in the year 10 IMPACT program who are looking to explore industries and careers in Western Sydney. The workshop will explore key industries including advanced manufacturing and construction through minimal industry presentations with more of a focus on hands on activities, demonstrations and networking. Students can expect on the day:

·          Industry delivered presentations including advanced manufacturing, construction and other key industries

·          Mentoring from industry representatives

·          Speed career conversations

·          Identification of career pathways

·          Setting expectations for the future workforce

·          Help students develop the skills they need to get a job

The signed permission note must be returned to Mr Gumus in staffroom west. The bus fare can be sorted on the day through the students Opal card. We strongly encourage your child to attend this activity, as it will be a positive and valuable learning experience that is in line with the work we are doing in the IMPACT program.