Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Yr 11 Western Sydney University Day

Subject / Purpose: Experiencing WSU and the seminars in courses for their future

Grade: 11

Venue: WSU Campbelltown Campus

Departure time: 8:30

Return time: 2:30pm

Students will depart from: Glenwood High School

Students will return to: Glenwood High School and be dismissed

Travel/transport will be by: Bus

Dress requirements: Full approved Summer School Uniform

Cost: NON-refundable NA

An excursion has been organised to support the following work being completed at school:

Western U Day Parramatta is designed to help senior high school students prepare for their course and career journey. This event provides the opportunity for students to speak to current Western Sydney University students and academic staff, and to explore the range of courses available at the University through academic and presentations and interactive activities.

Students are to register via the link sent to their email. Register for Seminars and provide a Printed copy to Miss Jones as soon as possible. Please note that registrations close Monday, 16th November 2020. Unfortunately, late registrations will not be accepted as this is controlled by Western Sydney University.


We strongly encourage your child to attend this activity, as it will be a positive and valuable learning experience.