Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

2020 HSC Exams

Tuesday 20 October to Wednesday 11 November

Please refer to publish timetable, for times, date allocation and location of exams will be posted on the weboste, facebook and Instagram. It will also be displayed on the HSC noticeboard outside staffroom east and also on our website (Yr 12 Examination Timetables and HSC Information 

If you require any further information please see Mr Nichols, Miss Cross or Mr Fenech


Important information about your written exams timetable

This document provides important information about your written HSC exams. NESA has already distributed details about oral exams for languages, performance exams and submitted works to schools. Find out more at

Your personal exam timetable

Your personal exam timetable is available from This timetable lists your written exams and where you will sit for them (usually at your school). It also lists any other exams you are entered for, including oral exams for languages, performance exams and submitted works. Details of your performance exams or projects such as title of work or category (supplied by your school) are also available via Students Online. If you are undertaking oral or performance exams, we will post the time and venue on Students Online later this year. If there are errors or omissions in the exams you are entered for, contact your school immediately to supply us with the correct information. Take special care if you are entered for a VET course that has an HSC exam. If the exam does not appear on your personal timetable, you have not been entered for it. You must be entered separately for the exam if you expect to sit for it.

Preparing for your exams

When preparing for your exams, find out what to expect in the exam room and the exam paper, including where to write your answers. For each course you are studying, know the rules and requirements, and what to expect in each exam.

Information about the HSC exams

Make sure you have read and understand the 2020 Higher School Certificate Rules and Procedures guide. You should have received a guide from your school and can also access it here:

There are serious consequences for:

• cheating in an exam

• disobeying NESA’s rules for exam conduct

• not making a serious attempt across a range of questions in each exam.

Any of these offences may result in reduced marks, course cancellation or loss of your HSC.

The timetable’s exam starting time is when reading time begins. Arrive at your exam venue well before the time specified. Further information about your HSC exams is available on Students Online.