Glenwood High School

Opportunity Through Learning

Telephone02 9629 9577

Years 8 and 11 Parent Interviews

Year 8 and Year 11 Parent Teacher Interviews (postponed from 24th June 2014) are now scheduled for Monday 11th August 2014. 3.30 –7.30 pm. The Booking Code will remain the same 2AU6L. Thank you for your support and condolences regarding the passing of Mrs Atkinson. Parents/Carers of students who were in her classes will need to book appointments with the following teachers: Year 11 – Ms Brahe Year 8 – Ms De Paoli We appreciate your understanding regarding the length of time between the postponed and scheduled dates. The school did attempt to schedule the evening for an earlier time but due to Glenwood High School’s busy calendar, 11th August 2014, was the earliest convenient time. If you wish to change your previous booking times, you can re-schedule these by going back onto the booking system, and enter the School Event Code 2AUG6.